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Export Compliance

The United States government actively regulates, and in some cases, restricts the export of certain items and information, 包括它认为对国家安全利益至关重要的技术, the economy, and foreign policy. Ohio University is committed to complying with applicable U.S. laws and regulations pertaining to exports of items, services and technology by or on behalf of the University.

All Ohio University personnel, including faculty members, visiting scientists, postdoctoral fellows, students and staff at, employed by, 或隶属于bet8九州登录入口必须遵守出口管制政策和相关的出口合规手册. 无论外部和内部资金来源如何,出口管制条例都适用.

不符合出口要求对大学和研究人员都是严重的. Penalties can include significant monetary fines and prison sentences. 


Activities Requiring Export Review and Compliance


  • Military or Defense Articles and Services
  • High Performance Computing
  • 军民两用技术(军事和商业两用技术)
  • Encryption Technology
  • Missiles & Missile Technology
  • Chemical/Biological Weapons
  • Nuclear Technology
  • Select Agents & Toxins (see Select Agent/Toxin list)
  • Space Technology & Satellites
  • Medical Lasers


  • 这所大学的绝大多数研究都是根据“基础研究排除法”(Fundamental research Exclusion)免于出口管制的. 只要大学或研究人员同意允许对出版物进行任何限制,这种排除就会失效, dissemination, or access to the research by foreign nationals.
  • 涉及使用出口管制资料的大学活动, items, 或者从校外获得的技术都受到所有出口管制, regardless of the nature of the research activity.  This applies to software tools obtained from U.S. government agencies flagged as "U.S. Release Only" or similar designation. 


  • Traveling overseas with high tech equipment, confidential, unpublished, 或专有信息或数据-携带某些类型的高科技设备,包括但不限于先进的GPS设备, scientific equipment, or with controlled, 任何格式的专有或未发布数据可能需要出口许可证,具体取决于您的旅行目的地. 
  • Traveling with laptop computers, web-enabled cell phones, and other personal equipment - Laptop computers, 可上网的手机和其他包含加密硬件或软件和/或专有软件的电子产品在运往某些目的地时可能需要出口许可证. 一般来说,将任何物品带到或经过任何美国海关,都需要出口许可证.S. sanctioned country (e.g., Iran, Syria, Cuba, Sudan and North Korea).

International Activities:

  • Shipping or taking items overseas.
  • 涉及向非美国学生支付国际资金的大学活动.S. 海外人员必须经过核实,以确保大学不会无意中向被封锁或制裁的实体提供财政援助. Examples include providing support via a subcontract to a non-U.S. 大学或向其他国家的研究对象提供资助.
  • University activities that involve foreign national faculty, students, staff visiting foreign scientists or collaborator(s), or other foreign entities (e.g., non-U.S. company, university, (或其他组织)或研究,包括前往国际会议展示未发表的结果,可能受到出口管制,特别是如果任何外国国民来自禁运或制裁国家.
  • 任何部分研究将在美国境外进行的研究项目.S. (e.g., field work outside the U.S.)可能不符合基础研究豁免的资格,并可能受到出口管制.

Export Compliance Committee

bet8九州登录入口已经建立了一个出口合规委员会来协助项目的发展, manual creation and updates, training development, and export compliance review and record retention in the eRA system.

Members of the Export Compliance Committee: 

  • Julie Allison, Assistant Vice President, Finance
  • Timothy Cyders, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
  • David Koonce,研究和创意活动临时副总裁
  • Adam Loukx, Senior Associate General Counsel, Legal Affairs Office
  • Laura Myers, Director of University Compliance, Internal Audit
  • Alicia Porter, Manager Information Security & Accessibility
  • Susan Robb,研究和赞助项目助理副总裁
  • 凯尔·萨金特,赞助项目经理,研究和赞助项目办公室
  • Korie Sell,技术转让办公室技术商业化经理
  • Hillary Snyder, Director of Research Compliance

Export Compliance Manual 

Export Compliance Decision Tree 

H-1B Deemed Export Attestation Questionnaire 

International Visitor Pre-Screening Form 

Definition of Terms (opens in a new window)



Export Control Training

寻求出口管制条例培训的个人,因为他们与大学研究有关,可以完成 Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) web-based course: US Export Control Regulation. 本课程包含提供出口管制基本概述的模块. 此外,还提供了专门针对监督出口管制的各联邦机构的信息,包括国务院的《bet8网页登录》(ITAR)。, 商务部的出口管理条例(EAR)和财政部的外国资产控制办公室(OFAC).

花旗课程可用于满足大学员工的出口管制培训要求, students and/or employees that may be required.

Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) within the U.S. 商务部(Department of Commerce)负责制定、实施和解释美国法律.S. 《bet8网页登录》 Export Administration Regulations (EAR) (15 CFR Parts 730-774), as listed on the Commerce Control List (CCL).  BIS provides web-based export control training.

Storing Export Control Data

Refer to OIT Security Storing Data by Type for information regarding how to store export control data.

U.S. Export Control Laws and Regulations

These Include, but are not Limited to, ITAR, EAR, and OFAC:

《bet8网页登录》:管制军事用途物品和服务的出口和再出口的条例, which include defense articles, including technical data, defense technologies, and defense services. These regulations are under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Defense.  (22 CFR Parts 120-130).  

出口管理条例:出口管理条例, 包括军民两用商业物项和技术以及其他无明显军事用途的商业物项和技术视同出口和再出口.  These regulations are under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Industry and Security, U.S. Department of Commerce.  (15 CFR Parts 730-774). 

OFAC(外国资产控制办公室):负责管理和执行外国资产控制条例的联邦政府机构.  这包括根据联邦外交政策和国家安全目标对目标国家实施经济和贸易制裁, terrorists, international narcotics traffickers, 以及那些从事与大规模杀伤性武器扩散有关活动的人.  OFAC管理的条例包括对特定个人的控制, specific organizations, and certain countries. OFAC is under the U.S. Department of the Treasury. (31 CFR Parts 500-598).
